Archive for Tag: abandoned basket


Barilliance is great for tracking abandoned baskets, and for retargeting customers with intelligent precision. You can set up retargeting emails and deliver cross-recommendations at the same time, reducing abandoment by 10-30%. Barilliance also helps re-engage previous customers at relevant points in their lifecycle, so you can squeeze more value...


If you’re looking for personalisation, Nosto is worth checking out, as an all-encompassing option that also handles things like retargeting and abandoned basket optimisation. Nosto sends a triggered email to abandoned cart users, giving you another chance to recover the sale. The customer then has the opportunity to continue...

Ve Interactive

VE Interactive is a London-based technology firm employing around 700 people, which serves over 600 e-commerce clients across different sectors. VE allows you to track each stage of the transaction process, with a view to highlighting abandoned baskets for retargeting and driving stronger revenues. A cool feature of the...


Salecycle is great for remarketing, aiming to reconnect your brand with the average 70% of users who abandon the shopping process. Their VP of Sales describes his job as ‘selling money’, and given the increase in sales the software generates from reaching out to otherwise lost customers, this is...