Archive for Tag: onsite search


SLI Systems provides advanced search functionality to some of the web’s leading retailers, helping to most accurately anticipate and reflect the search intentions of your users. With analytics and reports into search behaviour and interactions on your site, SLI’s solution can help you optimise your site layout, navigation and...

Google Custom Search

The classic on-site search tool, Google allows you to set up a free custom search box, with limited customisation potential, for including on your site. This can be monetized by Google Adsense, or you can pay $100 annually to remove the ads and open up a wider range of...


Solr, as in ‘Solar’, was originally created by CNET Networks in-house developers, and was released as an open source alternative for on-site search in 2004. Solr indexes your site content, including support for in-document search across PDF and other files, providing your users with results optimised for speed and...


SDL Fredhopper is more sophisticated than other on-site search tools, recognising the important of on-site search and navigation more broadly in the conversion experience. By tracking analytics, SDL Fredhopper can use this data to become much more intelligent, actually improving the customer experience through eliminating navigational difficulties and presenting...